Monday, April 15, 2013

The Perfect View

When does image become more important than life itself? When does the perfect image of someone become the sole part of someone's existence? Women for years have said they want to be known for something more than just an outside image; however what have they done to correct this in society? What has anyone done really?

Magazine, for years, have made statements saying they were going to incorporate "full figured" models, aka NORMAL SIZED PEOPLE, into their spreads and stop using stick sized models as a 'role model' in society, however, I have not seen a single magazine or industry, for that matter, come through on that statement.

Today I read an article about the new "teen obsession" called the 'thigh gap'. Upon further reading, the thigh gap is the gap that is "supposedly" the gap between your thighs when you put your feet together. This is what society has come to: Young girls not worrying about school, or work, or their futures, but worrying about what size thighs, hips, or even breasts they have.

The Perfect View in society should be a beautiful, intelligent woman who can balance work, family, and the everyday struggles of life with flying colors and has confidence in herself for everything she has accomplished; not some girl trying to be a size zero and has entirely no confidence in herself because of what everyone thinks is the "norm".

No matter what size a woman is, how many blemishes aren't on her body, or any imperfection she may have, it doesn't matter, all that matters is that she loves herself for what she is and she knows that that's enough for her. Because in the end, there's always someone who will love that woman for whom she is, inside AND out.

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